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You like art, graphic, photo and more importantly, you like and look for beautiful calendars?

You're on the right place.

K-LAND-ART let you customize all kind of creative calendars. Forget Excel or Word ones. Embellish the calendars with your most beautiful photos of landscapes, animals, etc.

All these calendars are free and in high resolution to let you print them in big size or set it as wallpaper.

We hope you will enjoy this site like your friends will enjoy your works!

Recently released

picture of our last product

This is our last template to date. This calendar has lot of empty square spaces to let you add a bunch of pictures.

As for the templates with pictures, you can change lot of parameters like opacity, fade color, etc.

It has also a main background that you can control in case you would give a special mood.

Set your own.

Quick date information

Today (in ISO 8601 format) : 2024-12-22

Today is the 357th day of the year

It remains 9 days until the end of year

This week is the 51st week of the year

International observances

Day observance(s)

No events currently

Week observance(s)

No events currently

Month observance(s)

No events currently

Year observance

International Year of Camelids

Website performance : good